Thursday, 15 December 2011

My Filofax!

Hiiiiii everyone!

Apologies, I know this blog is supposed to be for beauty and fashion, and this post is going a bit off course already, but there is a reason I'm posting about this!

So I wanted a place to organise my life and my blog, (I don't have the money for a netbook or i-pad) so I bought a filofax! I scoured for weeks to find a style and colour that I liked that wasn't too expensive, and I finally found "the one!".

It is a personal size, Finsbury in pink, and it is BEAUTIFUL.

I also bought from ebay a really cute HUGE set of post-its just to brighten up the inside especially if there is something I need to remember!


I am going to use using my filofax to plan and organise my blog, by collected clippings, making lists, maybe even writing a few things down than I plan to post, also whilst planning my personal life and keeping my finances in check!

If any of you have a filofax, or have any ideas on what to put in mine, or what to use it for, your suggestions are more than welcome!

Thanks for reading,
Peace, Love & Lipgloss xoxo


  1. hehe that's very cute! I don't know why but when I first saw it, Elle from Legally Blonde popped up in my head hehe! lovely post:)

    Rosie Anna

  2. Ohhh thankyou thats so nice of you! They are deffibately worth their money!! Xoxo

  3. looks lovely, love the colour.xx

  4. ohh the filofax is so gorgeous!! *_* And oh my god that is my dream size set of post-it!! I can't live without them to organize my life! :D
